The Rebirth
Rebirth: a spiritual enlightenment causing a person to lead a new life.
After Shadow Work comes The Rebirth; after the Ego dissolves, you awaken to the falsities you've been living in. It's your job to take charge and start actively living in the purity of your own essence. Now that you've uncovered all of the mess you've created for yourself, which caused you to feel unfulfilled, how will you show up for yourself? How will you stop the patterns of generational trauma? How will you lead the younger generation? How will you stay unique and true to yourself when everything in our world wants us all to be the same?
Generational chains were a hindrance to my growth, so I had to break a lot of them. And the first chain started with Me. I witnessed and experienced generational trauma early in life. Once I recognized the patterns, I disassociated myself to rebuild and nurture my natural essence. Once I identified those unhealthy generational patterns within myself, I put my persnickety tendencies to use and started to slice away at my problems one toxic trait at a time until I finally felt connected to what I saw in the mirror.
It took years, as you all know from listening to previous podcast episodes, and now I’m fully standing firmly in my new Rebirthed self.
This is my story, this is what I'm willing to do. This is my Rebirth.